Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What A Way To Start The BYE...

As i sit on this plane...wondering where the hell my next destination is goin to be....St.Paul?...Minnesota!? Then to LAX...remind you I spent the night in Chicago-Ohare airport which no one but Ashia knows so if you not reading this blog (good) that shit was embrassing (not really) Just uncomfortable. I think I slept for an hour tops. No luggage, no nothin so for the people that know me already KNOW im pissed. As I look up and wonder why the hell all these planes have been over sold and they just kicked off hella people of the Swine Flu!(Wow) Im really just gonna have to say that United Airlines is thee...hold on hold on...THEE WORST AIRLINE then comes DELTA. I wonder as much as i fly i would know these dumbass instructional videos they always play as if anyone really pays attention. This has to be the worst start to a holiday weekend ive had or even trying to get home since Xmas 07 and that was horrible. On the way to Hawaii luggage gets losted then flights are canceled I sometimes wonder what type of narcotics these people really be on! At least this Chi to Minn. Trip is only an 1hr and 4mins. I Already hate the fact this is such a bumpy flight and we aint even take off yet! Times like these make me second guess traveling so much. I hope this Bye week isnt gonna end up bad as its started. On the last note I have to send out love to my Konvict Musik family and the lost of Dolla! Rest with the Angels my boi your in a better place. You knew the real definition of the word grind. R.I.P. Dolla

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